How often do you feel....
Overextended and Maxed Out
It’s 8:30 am and you’ve already thrown in a load of laundry, made breakfast, reminded someone about soccer practice, made your coffee (no, you didn’t have time to drink it), dropped 2 kids off at different schools and just got the first text that your older daughter forgot her Ipad which she needs for a math test. You feel frazzled, frustrated and completely overextended. You’re so maxed out after a day of juggling what feels like 7 full time jobs ( and nothing to do with your actual job) that nothing left to give.
Irritable, angry and annoyed
Every little sound makes you feel like you are going to crawl out of your skin. At least once a week you find yourself losing your shit over the smallest little thing. All the irritations and frustrations make you resent your partner and kids… and then the vicious cycle offeeling like a horrible person for how you treated the people you love the most.
Jealous of Other Women
You hear about or see on Facebook or Instagram about all these women who seem to have it all together and are left and you leave feeling like a total loser, or worse, something’s wrong with you because your life feels like a three ring circus.
No Clue how to balance all your roles AND being you
You’re an incredible woman and have so much to offer your family, friends and job. I know you give it your all and are doing the best you can to be everything to everyone. You know you aren’t taking care of yourself even though you know all the things you should be doing and can’t seem to find the time or energy to do them. You’re left feeling lost and disconnected.
What do you get each month
This program will help you trust and listen to your emotions. Stop dismissing and stop hiding from them learn and build communication with youself and others to feel more balanced and whole.

Weekly emails
A little fun, a little reality, a little cursing and a way to build connection and community

Monthly Self Discovery Worksheet
Totally optional, but a way to dig deeper and learn more about yourself in between sessions.

Biweekly virtual group
We will meet over zoom every 2 weeks for a total of 8 sessions. Each session will have a different theme related to the pressures and emotional rollercoaster that comes along with being a woman*See dates for specifics*
About me
Even though I am a therapist and have been in my own therapy, dealing with my own emotions has always been tough. I grew up thinking that I needed to be perfect and fell into that role with academics, relationships and parenting. Obviously there is no such thing as perfect, but the amount of pressure I put on myself was unimaginable… so making any mistake seemed like the biggest deal and would beat myself up for hours, days and even weeks.
My people pleasing behaviors were getting in the way of my relationships and I didn’t understand why I was feeling angry, irritable and frustrated all the time with the people I love the most.
It was because I was denying my own wants and needs and putting everyone else’s PERCEIVED needs above my own.
When I found my voice, it was shaky and at first sometimes a little abrupt, but I also started to feel better. Once I get past the anxious feeling of saying or doing the thing, I feel less anxious. Less constrained and started feeling closer and more connected to my husband, my friends and even my kids. The feeling that I have always known of being constantly on edge is finally dissipating.
I have worked with hundreds of women who’ve experienced some version of this story and through deep, meaningful 1:1 therapy with them, they have seen, felt and known what healing looks like.
As I’ve sat 1:1 with all these women, I’ve often wished that I had more hours in the day to bring this type of relief to more women. I love being able to support and guide women to push through old stories, old patterns and old ways of interacting to find something new and better on the other side. I am incredibly passionate about helping women like you to look at their experiences, emotions and needs to empower you to try new ways of engaging and interacting to feel more whole. More satisfied in your relationships. More connected to yourself and how you feel.
As a women, you're so busy and wear many hats and I wanted to create something that would help you shift into a life you love and do it on your own time. That is why I created The Empowered Women’s Collective Maybe you’ve been in therapy, maybe you haven’t, but right now you’re looking to deepen the connection to yourself, others and start to let go of the patterns and behaviors that are no longer working for you.

This is for you if you:
✅Value authentic and meaningful connections.
✅Want emotional stability, self awareness and growth
✅Want to have a space to share the good, the bad, the ugly and everything in between
✅Believe in the power of community and connection.
✅Know that you can learn new patterns and want to get rid of the stuff that’s not working for you anymore
✅Crave a positive and empowering environment.
✅Need a reliable and continuous support system.
✅Want to overcome loneliness and isolation for good.
✅Ready to invest in your mental wellbeing.
✅Don’t mind the occasional shit, fuck or what the fuck..because sometimes it feels that those are the only words you’ve got
✅Want to improve relationships with others, but more importantly the relationship with yourself
This is NOT for you if you:
❌ Think that groups are stupid and a waste of time
❌ Don’t think you need to change and want to stay unhappy
❌ Only want to share your Facebook worthy “snapshot” of your life
❌ Believe that you are better off doing things alone.
❌ Feels that loneliness is ok and is safer than being vulnerable with others
❌ Thinks that self help and self improvement is a waste of time
❌Swearing offends you. No hard feelings here, I am going to show up as myself and I curse, so if this doesn’t feel right to you, I 100% get it.
❌Are unbothered by feeling disconnected and lost in your relationships with yourself and others
❌ Don’t feel comfortable sharing and being REAL
❌ Are a gossip and want to talk shit about other women. I will not tolerate this.
For less than the cost of your monthly Amazon habit, you can have access to two groups a month, a self discovery activity and an amazing community of women. All to help you improve your mental health, your well being and your relationships.
Pay as you go
Every 2 weeks
You will be automatically billed biweekly for a total of 8 sessions
Valid for 16 weeks
Best Value
Pay in Full
When you pay in full you get a 10% discount saving you $80!
Valid for 8 weeks
What's included
8 sessions total (as close to biweekly as possible, *See dates for specifics*
Weekly emails to keep you laughing, connected and curious about the changes you can make to feel happier and more connected
Monthly self discovery worksheet to help you explore and get curious about what's keeping you stuck and how to move forward in a new direction
Dates and Times
Session 1: 11/12/24 11:00
Session 2: 11/26/24 11:00
Session 3: 12/10/24 11:00
Session 4: 12/17/24 11:00
Session 5: 1/7/25 11:00
Session 6: 1/21/25 11:00
Session 7: 2/4/25 11:00
Session 8: 2/18/25 11:00
1: Why do I have to register for 8 sessions at one time?
The goal of the Women’s Empowerment Collective is to help you build connection, community and lasting change. In order for you to be able to do that, consistency and and a commitment to yourself is important.
2: What if I feel nervous sharing?
Of course you do, it is hard to be vulnerable and to share the unfiltered, raw version of yourself. There isn’t pressure to share anything that you don’t feel comfortable with and if and when you are ready, the Women’s Empowerment Collective will be here to support you.
3: How do I know people won’t talk about me or what I share?
Part of being in a group is creating a culture of safety and trust. There will be rules to participate and any one who violates the rules will be asked to leave. Maintaining the integrity and trust of the group and everyone in it is my top priority.
4: Will all the groups be virtual? I am tired of staring at a screen.
Zoom fatigue is legit, however for NOW all groups will be held virtually and depending on the needs and wants of the group we can explore an in person option down the road.
5: What if I try the group and it's not for me?
You absolutely want to make sure the Women’s Empowerment Collective feels right to you. It's a big commitment financially and on your time. You can cancel at any time, however, refunds will not be offered for any missed sessions or sessions attended.
6: I’ve never done anything like this and I don’t know what to expect.
I’ve got you! Every week you will get an email from me that will share some of my stories to help you connect deeper to your own emotions and experiences and find new ways to cope. Once a month you will get a self discovery worksheet. This is TOTALLY optional, but if you feel you want to dig a little deeper, you’ll want to take advantage of these. Twice a month we will meet virtually. I will facilitate the group with a topic in mind. My role will be to ensure a safe, respectful and mutually supportive environment for everyone involved.
7: Is this therapy?
The Women’s Empowerment Collective is NOT therapy, nor is it a substitute for therapy. This is a way for women to come together, feel supported and empowered in your journey as a woman. If you need recommendations for a therapist, I have a network of AMAZING therapists I can connect you with.
Still have questions before signing up?
Feel free to email me if you have still have questions.